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How To Do Jumping Jacks

Published January 12, 2018
KC Clements

Written By: KC Clements, MS

KC holds a Master of Arts in Gender Politics from New York University

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Here we’re going to show you the perfect form for jumping jacks to ensure that you’re getting the most out of this versatile move.</p> <p>To perform a jumping jack, stand with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Jump both of your feet out so they’re past shoulder-width apart. At the same time, lift your arms until your hands meet over the top of your head. Jump your feet back to the starting position, bringing your arms down to your sides. Repeat until you’ve reached the desired number of repetitions. </p> <p>Beginners can try a modification of the jumping jack called the step jack. Start with your feet together and hands at your sides. Step your left foot to the side until your feet are past shoulder-width apart. Lift your arms above your head as you do this, just like the jumping jack. Bring your right foot to join your left foot as you drop your arms down. Now step your right foot back as you lift your arms then drop your arms as you bring your left foot to join your right. The benefit of starting with this move is that you can focus on perfecting your form first before adding jumping to the mix.</p> <p>When you’ve mastered both step and jumping jacks, you can transition to the advanced frog jump. Stand with your feet wide apart then drop into a half squat with your arms bent at your sides. Leap up and forward, bringing your arms above your head. As you land, bend your knees to go immediately into another half squat, then jump again. This move will get your heart pumping, plus the explosive jump will hit your quads and glutes hard.</p> <p>Now, let’s learn how to perform the perfect jumping jack!</p> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section1"> <h2>Instructions</h2> <ol> <li>Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks-1"> </picture> <li>Jump both of your feet out to your sides with your toes pointed slightly outward. As you do this, lift your arms over your head as high as you can.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks-2"> </picture> <li>Hop to bring both of your feet back together as you drop your arms back down to your sides.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks-3"> </picture> <li>Repeat until you’ve completed a set.</li> </ol> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section2"> <h2>Things to keep in mind</h2> <ul> <li>One of the most common mistakes people make during jumping jacks is allowing their knees to wobble inward when they land. Think about jumping from your hips and keeping your legs straight with a nice lateral motion.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks-4"> </picture> <li>Maintain good posture by tucking your pelvis directly below your spine. Keep your head tall and your back straight—not hunched or arched. </li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks-5"> </picture> <li>Jump and land softly with a slight bend in the knees. Do this by making sure the last thing to leave the ground when you jump is your toes and the first thing that hits the ground when you land is also your toes. This will prevent injury and keep a nice spring in your knees so you’re ready to jump into the next repetition as soon as you land.</li> <li>Keep your shoulders back and down as your arms come over your head rather than scrunching up your shoulders and letting your arms come forward. This strengthens the scapula and helps to improve your posture.</li> <li>Inhale for one complete repetition then exhale during the next repetition.</li> </ul> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section3"> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>The jumping jack may be simple, but it’s just as important to maintain good form for this exercise as it is for any other move you take on. Be sure to follow the cues we’ve offered here to ensure you get the most out of your jumping jacks.</p> <p>Again, the step jack is a great exercise for zeroing in on your form. Allowing you to build up your stamina so that you’ll be fully prepared when it’s time to do jumping jacks. Start out nice and steady, then build up speed as you get more comfortable with the movement. Once you’ve mastered both the step jack and the jumping jack, test out the frog jump next. That move will work your lower body while getting your heart and your metabolism pumping.</p> <p>You’ve got all the information you need to do the best jumping jacks possible, so it’s time to try them out for yourself. Add a few sets to your next workout or do some jumping jacks in your bedroom when you wake up in the morning.</p> <p>If this exercise is too easy, try <a target="_blank" href="">Frog Jumps</a>. If this exercise is too difficult, try <a target="_blank" href="">Step Jacks</a>.</p> </section> </article>

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