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February 22nd, 2019

Published February 22, 2019
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Happy Friday Warriors! This killer 3 block full body workout is going to challenge you and leave you feeling amazing! We kick things off with Split Squats on both the right and left side! Your front heel is the one doing a lot of work! So on the right side squats, your right leg is forward and your heel is being pressed while you’re trying to sink backwards through your hip. You should feel this in the hamstrings of your front leg and the front and calf of your back leg. This is a great exercise to help teach your body how to move properly in walking, running and so on. These are great for building up your hamstrings. If you sit a lot for work, these are going to really loosen up any tightness. For block 2, we'll do Table Tops. If you have neck pain or back pain from poor posture, these can really help you. Make sure you open your chest and squeeze those shoulder blades back and together to stop bad posture and make sure to dig through your heels to activate the movement. You don’t want to use your arms to push up, but use your legs. Keep that chest open and squeeze those shoulder blades back and together. This will help your posture. Remember that you’re pushing through your heels to activate the movement, and it’s your legs that are making it happen, not your arms. Next up is Kneeling Plank. Keep your body active by keeping your glutes squeezed to bring that pelvis forward which will challenge your lower body. Focus on tension in your abdominals by thinking about dragging your elbow towards your belly button to make it difficult. The kneeling plank shouldn’t be super easy, you should really feel it challenging your whole body. Block 3 is all about Explosive Couch Pushups. These are basically upright push ups that use a couch to get a really awesome explosion that will help prepare you for more challenging push ups. You should feel this a lot in the shoulders and triceps, and the key is to EXPLODE through your arms and with your exhale. We’re doing some more rounds of explosive couch push ups! Remember to explode off the couch with those arms so you can really work your shoulders and triceps. Let’s get this workout started! <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-sm-down"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="Round One"> </div> <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-md-up"> Block 1 <hr> </div> <h4>30 seconds work |15 seconds rest |5 rounds</h4> <div class="row justify-content-center text-center"> <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="SPLIT SQUAT RIGHT"> <p>SPLIT SQUAT RIGHT</p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="SPLIT SQUAT LEFT"> <p>SPLIT SQUAT LEFT</p> </div> </div> <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-sm-down"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="Round Two"> </div> <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-md-up"> Block 2 <hr> </div> <h4>40 seconds work |20 seconds rest |5 rounds</h4> <div class="row justify-content-center text-center"> <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="TABLE TOPS"> <p>TABLE TOPS</p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="KNEELING PLANK"> <p>KNEELING PLANK</p> </div> </div> <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-sm-down"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="Round Two"> </div> <div class="text-center my-5 hidden-md-up"> Block 3 <hr> </div> <h4> 20 seconds work |10 seconds rest |8 rounds</h4> <div class="row justify-content-center text-center"> <div class="col-12 col-md-4"> <img class="img-fluid" src="" alt="EXPLOSIVE COUCH PUSHUPS"> <p>EXPLOSIVE COUCH PUSHUPS</p> </div> </div>

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