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How To Do Sit-Outs

Published January 12, 2018
KC Clements

Written By: KC Clements, MS

KC holds a Master of Arts in Gender Politics from New York University

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Here we’ll teach you an exercise that will have you trading in those boring sit-ups for a high-energy, full-body trainer: the sit-out.</p> <p>To perform the sit-out, start in a table top position. Lift your knees off the floor slightly and come onto your toes. Take your left hand off the floor and rotate your torso to the left. Continue to turn until your right glute touches the floor, and extend your right leg out fully. Rotate back, then repeat on the left side. This move gives you a lot to keep track of, but don’t worry—we’ll explain it all in detail! Expect to feel this move throughout the body as it hits your arms, core, legs, and upper body. You’ll probably break a sweat, too!</p> <p>We suggest beginners start with something a little easier: mountain climbers. Start in a full plank position—the way you’d set up for a pushup. Jump your right leg forward to bring your knee as close to your right elbow as possible. Keep your left foot planted. Now jump your right foot back to the starting position, and hop your left knee up toward your left elbow, same as you did with your right foot before. Continue alternating until you complete a set. An advantage of this exercise is that you can start off at whatever pace is comfortable then ramp it up as you get used to the movement.</p> <p>When you’ve perfected your mountain climbers, give the grasshopper a try. From the full plank, rotate your torso to the left. As you do this, draw your right leg under your left and extend it fully out to the left side. Tap the floor with the outside of the right foot, then bring it back to the starting position. Switch to extend your left leg out then bring it back. Continue to alternate until you finish a set. The grasshopper hits the glutes and core hard. It’s also a great move for working on your balance and posture.</p> <p>Now, let’s learn how to do the sit-out with excellent form.</p> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section1"> <h2>Instructions</h2> <ol> <li>Start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees. Plant the balls of your feet on the floor and lift your knees slightly.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-1"> </picture> <li>Lift your left hand off the floor and rotate your torso to the left.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-2"> </picture> <li>Continue to rotate then rest your right glute on the floor. Extend your right leg out fully.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-3"> </picture> <li>Rotate back the way you came and bring your right foot to the starting position.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-4"> </picture> <li>Switch to perform the move on the left side.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-5"> </picture> <li>Continue to alternate until you finish a set.</li> </ol> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section2"> <h2>Things to keep in mind</h2> <ul> <li>Press the pads of your hands into the floor and grip the ground with your fingers. This activates the muscles along the sides of the body including the lats and serratus.</li> <li>As you begin to rotate, bring your planted foot flat on to the floor to support yourself. Once you start to turn back lift the toes of your planted foot up to come onto your heel. It should be a smooth transition between these two positions.</li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-6"> </picture> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-7"> </picture> <li>Your femurs—the large thigh bones—should always point in the same direction as your shins and toes throughout the exercise. This gets more difficult as you start to rotate, so really focus on keeping them aligned.</li> <li>Exhale as you extend your leg out, then inhale as you come back to the starting position.</li> <li>Don’t roll the shoulder of your planted arm forward as you rotate. Keep the shoulders pulled back and as you finish the rotation outward open your chest as much as you can. This is important for protecting your shoulder, elbow, and wrist, plus it works your posture. </li> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="sit-outs-8"> </picture> </ul> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section> <section id="section3"> <h2>Conclusion:</h2> <p>If you want to slim your waistline, flatten your tummy, and get an incredible midsection, you won’t find a much better move than the sit-out. There are a lot of moving parts to this exercise, so start slow and focus on getting your cues and alignment right first. As you get more comfortable, pick up the pace to really pump these out.</p> <p>This is a tricky move, so we recommend getting started with mountain climbers before advancing. Mountain climbers help you start to build up core strength, particularly in the obliques. Plus, once you pick up the pace, you’ll get a great cardio pump as well. From there you can tackle the grasshopper. It will get you one step closer to doing sit-outs, and it’s an incredible core booster in and of itself.</p> <p>You’ve got all the tips you need to do this move, so it’s time to try them out for yourself! Swap sitting on the couch for a set of sit-outs or test this exercise out during your next workout.</p> <p>If this exercise is too difficult, try <a target="_blank" href="">Grasshoppers</a>.</p> </section> </article>

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