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10 Best At Home Exercises For Weight Loss

Published January 07, 2019 (Revised: December 03, 2019) Read Time: 8 minutes
Ben Kissam

Written By: Ben Kissam, BS

Ben has a B.S. in Movement and Sports Science and over 7 years Certified Personal Training Experience.

Fact-Checked By: Jenny Lau BS in Kinesiology

<script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context":"", "@type":"BlogPosting", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Ben Kissam, BS" }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "Warrior Made", "logo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "url": "", "image": "" } }, "headline":"The 10 Best Exercises for Weight Loss at Home", "datePublished":"2019-01-07", "dateModified": "2019-12-03", "description":"Looking for the best weight loss exercises for home? Here are 10 bodyweight movements you can try right now!", "image": "" } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the best home workout to lose weight?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "In short, one that you'll stick with. Weight loss is more about consistent exercise and diet habits than one specific movement. Both are necessary for weight loss. Consider:<br>A 2019 study in BMC Health concluded that significant fat loss is only possible when exercise is accompanied by a small calorie restriction (too few calories is bad; your body won't have enough energy to sustain itself). <br>A 2012 study of 399 women saw an average of 2.3 percent more bodyweight lost in one year with exercise and diet versus just exercise.<br>So, if fat loss is your goal, focus on those two things.<br>That said though, there are some guidelines you can use to shed fat with your workouts." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What exercise burns the most belly fat?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "There isn't one exercise that shreds belly fat more than others. But high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great place to start. Here's what the science says:<br>According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine, HIIT workouts provided 28.5 percent (!) greater fat reductions than moderate-intensity exercise (like a light jog, for example).<br>Compared to longer workouts, HIIT workouts provide similar or better results for improvement to body composition, making it a time-efficient strategy for losing belly-fat, according to the Journal of Diabetes Research.<br>Perhaps this is why the American Heart Association recently revised their recommendations for exercise, saying you can effectively cut the amount of time you exercise in half (15 minutes, 5 times a week instead of 30 minutes, 5 times a week) if you do high-intensity workouts." } }] } </script> <article> <div> <ul> <li><a href="#section1">What Is The Best Home Workout To Lose Weight?</a></li> <li><a href="#section2">What Exercise Burns The Most Belly Fat?</a></li> <li><a href="#section3">10 Best At-Home Exercise For Weight Loss</a></li> <li><a href="#section4">Best Weight Loss Exercise At Home: Wrap Up</a></li> </ul> </div> <section> <p>Is it possible to lose fat without a gym membership? You bet. </p> <p>Fancy equipment and personal trainers might be nice, but you can absolutely get results right at home, too.</p> <p>Actually, there's a lot to be said for simplifying your workouts. Only two things really matter when it comes to weight loss exercise at home or at a gym: <i>eating healthy</i> and <i>consistently exercising</i>. </p> <p>Here's what you need to know about losing fat at home, plus 10 favorite at-home exercises you can use to get results.</p> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section id="section1"> <h2>What is the best home workout to lose weight?</h2> <p>In short, one that you'll stick with. Weight loss is more about consistent exercise and diet habits than one specific movement. Both are necessary for weight loss <sup><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">1</a></sup>. Consider:</p> <ul> <li>A 2019 study in <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><i>BMC Health</i></a> concluded that significant fat loss is only possible when exercise is accompanied by a small calorie restriction (too few calories is bad; your body won't have enough energy to sustain itself). </li> <li>A 2012 study of 399 women saw an average of 2.3 percent more bodyweight lost in one year with exercise and diet versus just exercise <sup><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">2</a></sup>.</li> </ul> <p>So, if fat loss is your goal, focus on those two things.</p> <p>That said though, there are some guidelines you can use to shed fat with your workouts.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="burn-fat-at-home"> </picture> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section id="section2"> <h2>What exercise burns the most belly fat?</h2> <p>There isn't one exercise that shreds belly fat more than others. But high-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great place to start. Here's what the science says:</p> <ul> <li>According to the <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">British Journal of Sports Medicine</a>, HIIT workouts provided 28.5 percent (!) greater fat reductions than moderate-intensity exercise (like a light jog, for example).</li> <li>Compared to longer workouts, HIIT workouts provide similar or better results for improvement to body composition, making it a time-efficient strategy for losing belly-fat, according to the <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><i>Journal of Diabetes Research</i></a>.</li> </ul> <p>Perhaps this is why the <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer"><i>American Heart Association</i></a> recently revised their recommendations for exercise, saying you can effectively cut the amount of time you exercise in half (15 minutes, 5 times a week instead of 30 minutes, 5 times a week) if you do high-intensity workouts.</p> <h3>How can I lose belly fat fast at home?</h3> <p>Since you're wondering about belly fat, chances are you'd like to have abs or a toned midsection. Unfortunately, the science shows it's unlikely you can spot reduce or target specific areas for fat loss <sup><a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">3</a></sup>.</p> <p>However, targeting your core muscles will help you build muscle in your midsection. This way, once you lose the weight, you'll have something to show off. So, try adding the following exercises to your workouts on top of the ten in the next section:</p> <ul> <li>Flutter kicks</li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Dead bugs</a></li> <li><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Sit-ups</a></li> <li>Bicycles</li> </ul> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="at-home-workout-weight-loss"> </picture> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section id="section3"> <h2>10 best at-home exercise for weight loss</h2> <p>Any of these exercises can be plugged into an at-home workout (<a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">circuit training</a> or <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">HIIT</a>, for example). You can also perform all of them with limited space.</p> <p>Some of the exercises below are more advanced; see <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">27 Beginner Exercises</a> for modifications if you're new to exercise.</p> <p>And finally, check out <a target="_blank" href="" rel="nofollow noreferrer">this video</a> on Warrior Made's YouTube channel about losing weight at home.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="jumping-jacks"> </picture> <h3>1. Jumping jacks</h3> <p><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Jumping jacks</a> are a great cardio exercise that can be modified and extended. </p> <ul> <li>Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your side.</li> <li>Bend your knees and jump in the air.</li> <li>As you jump, move your legs out laterally—just beyond shoulder width apart. At the same time, stretch your arms over your head.</li> <li>Return to the starting position.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Try step jacks if these are too hard or frog jumps if these are too easy.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="burpees"> </picture> <h3>2. Burpees</h3> <p>Burpees get your heart rate up, strengthen your pecs and thighs, and even give you a little core workout. They're fantastic for fat loss.</p> <ul> <li>Start standing.</li> <li>Hinge forward at the hips, then squat down, bringing your hands to the floor.</li> <li>Once your hands touch, kick your feet behind your body into a plank.</li> <li>Do a push-up if you can (if not, that's fine—knee push-ups work here, too).</li> <li>Jump your feet back to your hands.</li> <li>Finish each rep by jumping vertically.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Do <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">burpee walkouts</a> if burpees are too difficult.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="push-ups"> </picture> <h3>3. Push-ups</h3> <p><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Push-ups</a> are our favorite no-equipment upper body exercise.</p> <ul> <li>Start in a high plank: four points of contact on the floor (two hands, two feet).</li> <li>Keeping your core tight, bend your elbows at a 45-degree angle until you come down to the floor.</li> <li>Press up. Squeeze your butt and belly to avoid sagging hips.</li> <li>Finish in a high plank position.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Try <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">spiderman pushups</a> or <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">hindu pushups</a>.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="squats"> </picture> <h3>4. Squats</h3> <p>Many call sqats the 'king' of functional exercises. This is because they work so many muscle groups at once. </p> <ul> <li>Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart. Shift weight back back on your heels.*</li> <li>Keeping a tall spine and tight core, kick your hips back, like you're trying to touch a chair behind you. Hips first, then knees.</li> <li>Stop once the crease of your thigh is level with your knee. Your thigh should be parallel to the floor.</li> <li>Pressing through your heels, return to a stand.</li> </ul> <p>*Your heels and toes should be in contact with the floor and the arches of your feet engaged.</p> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Do sit to stands or sumo squats if regular squats are too difficult or painful. Try jump squats to make them more challenging.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="lunges"> </picture> <h3>5. Lunges</h3> <p>Squats are great for your legs, but <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">lunges</a> are pretty awesome, too.</p> <ul> <li>Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.</li> <li>Step forward with your right leg, bending at the front knee.</li> <li>At the same time, your back leg's knee should also bend, lowering you to the floor. This leg should drop straight down under your hip.</li> <li>You've gone low enough when your back knee gently touches the floor (don't bang it on the ground).</li> <li>Press into the front leg's heel to return to a stand.</li> <li>Repeat on the other side.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Do jumping lunges to make these more difficult, or start with split squats or alternating reverse lunges.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="planks"> </picture> <h3>6. Planks</h3> <p>Just because you aren't moving doesn't mean you aren't getting a great workout. <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Planks</a> force your body's core muscles (abs, lower back, obliques) as well as your back and legs to stabilize themselves as one unit.</p> <ul> <li>Assume a modified push-up position. Instead of your hands making contact with the floor, use your forearms. Place your elbows under the shoulders.</li> <li>Fight to keep your body in one straight line from the head to the toes. If you need a break, come out of the posture. Don't let your hips sag or go high in the air like downward dog.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Try side planks for an added oblique workout, or start with kneeling planks if this is too challenging.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="high knees jumping"> </picture> <h3>7. High knees jumping</h3> <p>Another simple cardio exercise, throw in high knees when you need a change from burpees or jumping jacks.</p> <ul> <li>Start in a standing position.</li> <li>Bring one knee as high in the air as you can. Move your arms as if you're running.</li> <li>Return this knee to the floor, then repeat on the other side.</li> <li>Alternate jumps quickly.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Try marching in place if this is too difficult.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="unweighted bent over reverse flys"> </picture> <h3>8. Unweighted bent over reverse flys</h3> <p>Here's a good exercise to train your delts (an oft-neglected muscle in your shoulder) and lats.</p> <ul> <li>Bend at the hips. Maintain a flat back and keep your weight in your heels.</li> <li>Lock your elbows at your side. </li> <li>Bring your arms out laterally, until they can go no further. It will look like airplane wings at the top.</li> <li>Slowly lower your arms, still locked, back down.</li> <li>Repeat.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Add little weights to each hand. If you don't have dumbbells, use something lightweight that you have lying around, like a water bottle, pillows, or books.</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="bird dogs"> </picture> <h3>9. Bird dogs</h3> <p>Here's a great exercise for core stabilization and improving your posture.</p> <ul> <li>Start on all fours: hands under shoulders, knees under hips.</li> <li>Squeeze your belly and butt to engage your core.*</li> <li>Raise your left hand out straight in front of you. At the same time, extend the right leg behind you. </li> <li>Hold for 1 second.</li> <li>Return to the start, then repeat on the other side.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Slow down the speed to make them harder (i.e., 4 seconds out, 4 seconds back to the start).</p> <picture class="lazy-load"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/webp"> <source data-srcset="" type="image/jpf"> <source data-srcset=""> <img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="drinking birds"> </picture> <h3>10. Drinking birds</h3> <p>Last but not least, <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">drinking birds</a> are a great hinge exercise for strengthening your posterior chain (the muscles on the backside of your body).</p> <ul> <li>Start standing, with your hands behind the back of your head, weight in the heels. Feet shoulder width apart.</li> <li>Kick your butt back, maintaining a flat back and tight core. Lean forward.</li> <li>When you feel a gentle 'tug' on your hamstrings, stop.</li> <li>Return to the start, slowly. This exercise is meant to be slow and controlled.</li> </ul> <p><strong>To modify</strong>: Do one-leg drinking birds.</p> </section> <hr class="divider-50 divider-medium mx-auto"> <section id="section4"> <h2>Best weight loss exercise at home: wrap up</h2> <p>While there isn't one supreme weight loss exercise you can do at home, you can absolutely shred body fat without a gym membership. The key is to adopt good nutrition habits (we recommend a low-carb diet like <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">keto</a>) and to do high-intensity exercise consistently (3 to 5 times per week is a good place to start).</p> <p>By the way, if you're new to exercising, don't be afraid to start slow. Focus on good form and work your way up to higher levels of intensity as you go. Cliché though it may sound, Rome wasn't built in a day. Results will come if you stick with your routine.</p> </section> </article>

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