<script type="application/ld+json">
"headline":"27 Beginner Bodyweight Exercises That Get Results!",
"datePublished":"April 20, 2019",
"description":"You can add muscle and get results with bodyweight exercises. Here are the 27 best workouts you can do right at home.",
"image": "https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/2019/04/body-weight-thumbnail.jpeg"
<li><a href="#section1">Can You Build Muscle Mass With Bodyweight Exercises?</a></li>
<li><a href="#section2">Are Bodyweight Workouts Effective?</a></li>
<li><a href="#section3">What Are The Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle?</a></li>
<li><a href="#section4">Wrapping Up</a></li>
<p>You’re new to exercising and aren’t interested in learning how to use every machine at the gym. You just want simple, smart, effective exercises you can do at home that <i>get results</i>.</p>
<p>Good, you’re in the right place. We’re going to look at the 27 best beginner bodyweight exercises you can do right in your living room. Planks, squats, push-ups—and their many variations—will set you up to get results for a long time.</p>
<p>But first, you may be wondering if it’s possible to get results (like adding muscle) from doing bodyweight workouts at home. Here’s what you should know.</p>
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<section id="section1">
<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Can You Build Muscle Mass With Bodyweight Exercises?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, you definitely can! There’s even room to argue that it’s easier to build muscle using bodyweight exercises.\n\nAdding muscle—muscular hypertrophy—is achieved by exercising and eating the right food. When you work hard during workouts, your brain sends a signal to the affected muscles to rebuild them stronger than before. This is where the right diet comes in. If you’re eating natural, healthy foods and quality proteins, your body will reward you by growing bigger, leaner muscles.\n\nBodyweight exercises can absolutely add muscle. The key to adding muscle is using the right progressions. Always challenge yourself, but don’t exceed your fitness level. Make small improvements every time you exercise so your muscles have something to recover from."}}]}</script>
<h2>Can You Build Muscle Mass With Bodyweight Exercises?</h2>
<p>Yes, you definitely can! There’s even room to argue that it’s easier to build muscle using bodyweight exercises.</p>
<p>Adding muscle—<i>muscular hypertrophy</i>—is achieved by exercising and eating the right food. When you work hard during workouts, your brain sends a signal to the affected muscles to rebuild them stronger than before. This is where the <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/diet/keto-101-a-beginners-guide/"rel="noreferrer"><b>right diet</b></a> comes in. If you’re eating natural, healthy foods and quality proteins, your body will reward you by growing bigger, leaner muscles<sup>1</sup>.</p>
<p>Bodyweight exercises can absolutely add muscle. The key to adding muscle is using the right progressions. Always challenge yourself, but don’t exceed your fitness level. Make small improvements every time you exercise so your muscles have something to recover from.</p>
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<section id="section2">
<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Are Bodyweight Workouts Effective?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Bodyweight exercises are very effective! Here are four things that make them awesome for getting results.\n\nBuild Functional Strength\n\nBodyweight exercises—at least our favorites—add muscle and make your body stronger. Naturally, bodyweight exercises use full-body movements that require more than one muscle group to work at a time. Unlike gym equipment which isolates your muscles and makes them bulky, bodyweight exercises train everything at once.\n\nIncrease Flexibility\n\nUnlike weights, bodyweight exercises won’t make your muscles bulky or tight.\n\nBodyweight exercises —combined with a great diet—create a lean, toned look instead. This may be how you prefer to look anyway! Doing bodyweight exercises helps keep your body flexible and pain-free, contributing to a better quality of life.\n\nBurn More Calories\n\nMost bodyweight exercises are full-body, compound exercises. That’s great news for your weight loss goals. Full-body exercises burn more fat and calories than isolating exercises done with machines.\n\nConsider push-ups, for example. Thought of as an upper body strength exercise, you also use your core and leg muscles to stabilize in a push-up position. This burns more calories than any upper body machine would at the gym.\n\nEasily Scalable For Anyone’s Fitness Level\n\nIt’s easy to tweak bodyweight exercises to meet you where you’re at. Whatever your current fitness level is, there is almost always a modification to make. You can make an exercise a little easier or a little more challenging (see the “Try This” sections below for plenty of examples)."}}]}</script>
<h2>Are Bodyweight Workouts Effective?</h2>
<p >Bodyweight exercises are very effective! Here are four things that make them awesome for getting results.</p>
<b><li><h3>Build Functional Strength</h3></li></b>
<p>Bodyweight exercises—at least our favorites—add muscle <i>and</i> make your body stronger. Naturally, bodyweight exercises use full-body movements that require more than one muscle group to work at a time. Unlike gym equipment which isolates your muscles and makes them bulky, bodyweight exercises train everything at once.</p>
<b><li><h3>Increase Flexibility</h3></li></b>
<p>Unlike weights, bodyweight exercises won’t make your muscles bulky or tight. </p>
<p>Bodyweight exercises —combined with a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/diet/keto-101-a-beginners-guide/"rel="noreferrer"><b>great diet</b></a>—create a lean, toned look instead. This may be how you prefer to look anyway! Doing bodyweight exercises helps keep your body flexible and pain-free, contributing to a better quality of life.</p>
<b><li><h3>Burn More Calories</h3></li></b>
<p>Most bodyweight exercises are full-body, compound exercises. That’s great news for your weight loss goals. Full-body exercises burn more fat and calories than isolating exercises done with machines.</P>
<p>Consider push-ups, for example. Thought of as an upper body strength exercise, you also use your core and leg muscles to stabilize in a push-up position. This burns more calories than any upper body machine would at the gym.</p>
<b><li><h3>Easily Scalable For Anyone’s Fitness Level</h3></li></b>
<p>It’s easy to tweak bodyweight exercises to meet you where you’re at. Whatever your current fitness level is, there is almost always a modification to make. You can make an exercise a little easier or a little more challenging (see the “Try This” sections below for plenty of examples).</p>
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<section id="section3">
<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"What Are The Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Here are the 27 best beginner bodyweight exercises you can do right at home.\n\nAlternating Reverse Lunges, Bear Squats, Bicycles, Burpee Walkout, Drinking Birds, Explosive Couch Push-Ups, Feet Together Squats, Kickstand Push-ups, Kneeling Dolphin Push-ups, Kneeling Hip-Ups, Kneeling Inchworms, Kneeling Plank, Kneeling Push-ups, Kneeling Side Plank, Kneeling Slide, Mountain Climbers, Reverse Crunches, Russian Twists, Shoulder Bridge Holds, Shoulder Bridge Lifts, Simple Side Bends, Sit To Stands, Split Squats, Step Jacks, Sumo Squats,Table Tops and Up Down Dogs."}}]}</script>
<h2>What Are The Best Bodyweight Exercises For Building Muscle?</h2>
<p>Here are the 27 best beginner bodyweight exercises you can do right at home.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/ALTERNATING-REVERSE-LUNGES.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/ALTERNATING-REVERSE-LUNGES.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Alternating Reverse Lunges</h3></li></b>
<p>Let’s start with the legs! Place your weight in the heels, hinging forward with your hips. Bring one leg behind your body and drop down into a lunge position. Prevent your front knee from going out over your toe to keep the knees safe. You’ll feel your quads and glutes working as you return to a standing position.</p>
<p>Do one on each of your legs then alternate sides.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use alternating reverse lunges in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BEAR-SQUAT.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BEAR-SQUAT.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Bear Squats</h3></li></b>
<p>If you have knee pain or just aren’t ready for full squats yet, try these first. You’ll build strong quads and glutes without risking injury.</p>
<p>The top of a bear squat is similar to a downward dog. Hold at the top for an added upper body stretch.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Pair bear squats with an upper body or core exercise and do one big superset.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BICYCLES.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BICYCLES.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<p>Bicycles, like Russian twists (exercise #18), are great for your obliques, lower back, and abs. </p>
<p>Place your hands behind your head. Keeping your back flat on the floor, bring your legs off the ground and touch (or attempt to touch) the opposite side elbow to the inside of your knee. Do each side once and count one rep.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) core workout with bicycles. Try 20 seconds of work with 10 seconds rest in between and do four to eight sets.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BURPEE-WALKOUT.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/BURPEE-WALKOUT.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Burpee Walkout</h3></li></b>
<p>Burpees are a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/the-best-full-body-workout-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>full-body</b></a> cardio and strengthening exercise. You’ll find quickly that they work every muscle from your nose to your toes. The burpee walkout is a low-impact modification on the burpee.</p>
<p>Use your hands to rock back on your heels. Come down to the floor like you’re bending to grab something. Step one leg back at a time, walking back into the push-up position. Return to a squat, then stand back up.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use burpee walkouts in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/DRINKING-BIRDS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/DRINKING-BIRDS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Drinking Birds</h3></li></b>
<p>Drinking birds are great for your posture and <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/the-3-best-hamstring-workouts/"rel="noreferrer"><b>strengthening the hamstrings</b></a>.</p>
<p>Place the hands behind the back and weight in the heels. Feet are shoulder width apart. </p>
<p>Kick your butt back first before the knees bend. This is important because otherwise you’ll put unnecessary pressure on your knees. </p>
<p>Maintain a flat back with a tight core throughout the posture. When you feel a gentle tug in the hamstrings, stop and return to the top. Don’t rush. Do this exercise slow and controlled.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three supersets of drinking birds with one arms exercise from this list. Do 5 to 10 reps of each with no rest between.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/EXPLOSIVE-COUCH-PUSHUPS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/EXPLOSIVE-COUCH-PUSHUPS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Explosive Couch Push-Ups</h3></li></b>
<p>Explosive push-ups are a bit more advanced than regular push-ups. Stick with a kneeling variation if you can’t do at least a few good ones yet.</p>
<p>Keep your core tight and your elbows tucked at a 45 degree angle to your body (not flaring out). Bring your body down toward the couch then explode up. Your hands leave the ground each rep.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three supersets of explosive couch push-ups with one core or lower body exercise from this list. Do 5 to 10 reps of each with no rest between.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/FEET-TOGETHER-SQUATS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/FEET-TOGETHER-SQUATS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Feet Together Squats</h3></li></b>
<p>Feet together squats work your legs but also increase mobility in your hips and ankles. If you have pain in your lower legs or knees this is a good modification from regular squats.</p>
<p>As always, keep your core tight throughout.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Pair feet together squats with a push-up exercise and alternate between them or do them as a superset.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KICKSTAND-PUSHUPS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KICKSTAND-PUSHUPS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kickstand Push-ups</h3></li></b>
<p>Along with stronger arms, kickstand push-ups offer a little cardio burn and hip stretch. Keep your body in one line and move your leg out laterally at the bottom of each repetition.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of 30 seconds of kickstand push-ups. Count as many good reps as you can do and try to beat it next time! Rest as needed between sets.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-DOLPHIN-PUSHUPS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-DOLPHIN-PUSHUPS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Dolphin Push-ups</h3></li></b>
<p>Dolphin push-ups are another great way to get your first full push-up. They’re also a phenomenal <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/3-simple-tricep-workouts-for-stronger-toned-arms/"rel="noreferrer"><b>triceps workout</b></a>.</p>
<p>Start with your body looking like a sphinx. Tight core, forearms in front of your shoulders, knees touching the floor. Instead of traveling up and down, push off forearms, driving your body off the floor as your hips raise. You’ll finish in a downward dog position.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Three sets of 10 kneeling dolphin push-ups during the next television break. One minute rest between sets.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-HIP-UPS-RIGHT-SIDE.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-HIP-UPS-RIGHT-SIDE.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Hip-Ups</h3></li></b>
<p>Kneeling hip-ups can (and should) be done on both sides. This will give your obliques—an underused core muscle—a great workout. Bye bye, love handles!</p>
<p>Press your elbow into the floor and bridge up into the starting position. The key to this exercise is to not let your hips sag to the floor. With a tight core, keep everything in one straight line, then bridge up slightly for each rep. You’ll feel the muscles in your hips, core, and legs working quickly.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do six sets (three on each side) of kneeling hip-ups. Do 10 to 15 reps, switch sides, then take a break.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-INCHWORMS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-INCHWORMS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Inchworms</h3></li></b>
<p>As a cardio exercise—or to strengthen your upper body or core—kneeling inchworms are versatile and work for any level of fitness.</p>
<p>Keep your glutes tight, maintain a “hollow position” (described in exercise #12) and your elbows locked as you walk your hands out and back. Good form is crucial!</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Pair kneeling inchworms with sit to stands or squats. Do a high-intensity interval (HIIT) workout where you alternate between exercises for 30 seconds of work, then 30 seconds of rest.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-PLANK.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-PLANK.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Plank</h3></li></b>
<p>The key to a good plank—AKA one of the best core exercises out there—is to learn the “hollow” position. Notice how Coach Tyler has his glutes squeezed and his pelvis forward. It looks as though his back is almost rounded, but it isn’t. He’s simply working his core muscles so hard it looks that way.</p>
<p>While doing planks keep your hips in one straight line with the rest of your body. No sagging or moving towards downward dog.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of 30 seconds of kneeling planks. Once you can do a full minute, try a full plank!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-PUSHUP.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-PUSHUP.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Push-ups</h3></li></b>
<p>Kneeling push-ups are the best modification for full push-ups. If you can’t support your full bodyweight yet, start with these.</p>
<p>Good push-ups mean active shoulders and core. Check out this video from Coach Tyler on <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUT0f9P7GpQ&t=275s"rel="noreferrer"><b>perfect push-up form</b></a>, where he breaks down every part of the push-up and how to modify if needed.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do as many good kneeling push-ups as you can with perfect form. Rest 60 seconds then do another set. After a few workouts, try full push-ups.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-SIDE-PLANK-LEFT-SIDE.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-SIDE-PLANK-LEFT-SIDE.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Side Plank</h3></li></b>
<p>Side planks are great for working your obliques and preventing <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/top-5-exercises-to-strengthen-your-lower-back/"rel="noreferrer"><b>lower back pain</b></a>. As with any good plank, your core should be active the whole way through. Hold steady with your body in one straight line for as long as you can.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of 30 seconds of kneeling side planks. Once you can do a full minute, try a full side plank!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-SLIDE.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/KNEELING-SLIDE.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Kneeling Slide</h3></li></b>
<p>Kneeling slides are a good push-up “hack” that stretch and strengthen the arms and shoulders. If you need to lose some weight or have pain that prevents you from doing push-ups, these are a great alternative.</p>
<p>Keep your elbows tight to the body so your shoulders and tricep muscles get the best workout.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of as many good reps of kneeling slides as you can. This might be 5, 10, or more. Pause for two minutes after each set. Do a total of three.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/MOUNTAIN-CLIMBERS.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/MOUNTAIN-CLIMBERS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Mountain Climbers</h3></li></b>
<p>Another low-impact cardio exercise, mountain climbers are good for strength training and burning calories. Go into a plank or modified downward dog position (look at Coach Tyler above), and drive your hands and feet into the floor.</p>
<p>Keeping a tight core, bring your knees up to your hands (or as close as you can get them). Each rep is one step up the mountain!</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use mountain climbers in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/REVERSE-CRUNCHES.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/REVERSE-CRUNCHES.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Reverse Crunches</h3></li></b>
<p>Start on your back with your feet flat on the floor. “Glue” your lower back to the ground. When you do this, you should feel your core and glute muscles activate. It will prevent your lower back from doing work your ab muscles should do.</p>
<p>Bring the heels off the floor and bring the knees towards your face. At the end of each rep, fight to keep your feet off the floor.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use reverse crunches in a superset. Do three sets back to back with another upper body or lower body exercise, doing 10 to 12 reps each.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/RUSSIAN-TWIST.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/RUSSIAN-TWIST.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Russian Twists</h3></li></b>
<p>Great for your abs, lower back, and obliques, these are going to burn! </p>
<p>Bring your legs together and take your feet off the floor. Bring your hands—clasped together—from side to side, making contact on the ground with the floor if you can. Each time you touch *both* sides equals one rep.</p>
<p><b>ry This:</b> Use Russian twists as the core exercise for your next <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SHOULDER-BRIDGE-HOLD.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SHOULDER-BRIDGE-HOLD.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Shoulder Bridge Holds</h3></li></b>
<p>Shoulder bridge holds are another isometric exercise like planks and side planks. Follow the guidelines for shoulder bridge lifts (below), and pause at the top, squeezing your glutes and keeping your core active. Every muscle in your body works when you do these right. </p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of shoulder bridge holds for 30 seconds or more. Rest as needed between sets.</p>
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<b><li><h3>Shoulder Bridge Lifts</h3></li></b>
<p>Shoulder bridge lifts build off the shoulder bridge hold. Instead of holding the movement, activate your glutes and work your core muscles by “bridging up” toward the ceiling. Keep your feet flat and your hands by the side. The key again is to squeeze your glutes at the top. </p>
<p>For what it’s worth, these get harder if you slow them down. The seconds spent pausing at the top of a shoulder bridge lift will make microwave seconds seem fast.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of 10 shoulder bridge lifts. Hold at the top for one second the first set, two seconds the second set, and three on the third.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SIMPLE-SIDE-BENDS.webm" type="video/webm">
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<b><li><h3>Simple Side Bends</h3></li></b>
<p>Side bends are a low-impact way to strengthen your obliques and keep your lower back pain-free. </p>
<p>Start with your feet shoulder width apart. Kick your opposite hip out, dipping—but not bending over—to the side. Your core muscles should stay tight. You will feel a nice stretch from your hips up through your back.</p>
<p>Repeat on the other side.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use simple side bends in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SIT-TO-STAND.webm" type="video/webm">
<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SIT-TO-STAND.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Sit To Stands</h3></li></b>
<p>Sit to stands are very similar to squats. They are a great full-body exercise that work your legs, core, and even upper body muscles.</p>
<p>Kick your hips back first before you bend your knees as you go down into the squat. This will activate your glute muscles. Fight to keep your core and upper body muscles tight and in one line. Sit on the chair and return to a stand.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use sit to stands in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SPLIT-SQUAT-RIGHT-SIDE.webm" type="video/webm">
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<b><li><h3>Split Squats</h3></li></b>
<p>Another variation on squats, split squats work one leg at a time and give you an added core workout. They’re also great for your glutes!</p>
<p>Start with your feet split and weight in the heels. Like with alternating lunges, bring your back knee down towards the floor. Your knee shouldn’t touch the floor, but go as far as you can.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of 10 split squats on each side, alternating each rep. Rest one to two minutes between sets.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/STEP-JACKS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Step Jacks</h3></li></b>
<p>These are a great <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/7-low-impact-cardio-exercises/"rel="noreferrer"><b>low-impact cardio exercise</b></a>. Stepping laterally (but not moving around), push tall through the top of your head as your arms and glutes step from side to side. </p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Try a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) step jacks workout. Do 30 seconds of step jacks, then break for 30 seconds. Repeat that four more times.</p>
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/SUMO-SQUATS.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Sumo Squats</h3></li></b>
<p>Sumo squats help create mobility in your hips by moving laterally. Keep the knees pointed out and your weight in the heels as you take big steps side to side. </p>
<p>Imagine an invisible fence that you’re stepping over for each rep—and don’t worry if that fence isn’t too high the first time you do these. After a handful of reps on each side, you’re sure to feel a burn in your legs.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Use sumo squats in a <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/content/exercise/circuit-training-for-weight-loss/"rel="noreferrer"><b>circuit training workout</b></a>. Pick three other exercises from this list!</p>
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<b><li><h3>Table Tops</h3></li></b>
<p>Here’s an awesome way to strengthen and stretch out your shoulders while improving flexibility. Tight shoulders make for painful shoulders, but this exercise can help.</p>
<p>On the floor with your hands at your side, raise your pelvis up to the ceiling. Keep your heels flat on the floor. Fight to create a table with your body, then hold it there for one or more seconds. Discipline in holding at the top is the key to results.</p>
<b>Try This:</b> Do slow, controlled table tops once a week in your workouts. See if you can hold each rep for one, three, or even five seconds at the top.
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<source src="https://d1ghrtdbdq2gkr.cloudfront.net/media/public/Assets/media/exercises/beginner/UP-DOWN-DOG.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<b><li><h3>Up Down Dogs</h3></li></b>
<p>Let’s take yoga and make it stronger! Up down dogs use the core and shoulder strengthening benefits of upward dog but force you to move, too.</p>
<p>Press your hands into the floor and pull towards the ground. Your core and serratus muscles should be tight the whole time. Throughout the exercise your elbows stay locked out.</p>
<p>For an added shoulder stretch, pause at the top of downward dog and push through the floor. Your upper back and trapezius (shoulder) muscles will get a nice stretch.</p>
<p><b>Try This:</b> Do three sets of as many good reps of up down dogs as you can. This might be 5, 10, or more. Pause for two minutes after each set. Do a total of three.</p>
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<h2>Wrapping Up</h2>
<p>Well, we just covered a <i>ton</i> of exercises! If you’re a beginner, you should be all set with exercises you can do right at home.</p>
<p>But if you want some support, coaching, and guidance for crushing your workouts and getting your nutrition in line, check out our <a target="_blank" href="https://www.warriormade.com/"rel="noreferrer"><b>Warrior Made</b></a> community. We’re helping people of all ages and fitness experience lose weight and transform their bodies and life with at home workouts and a simple diet approach that anyone can follow!</p>
<li><a target="_blank" href="https://www.healthline.com/health/muscular-hypertrophy#What-is-muscular-hypertrophy"rel="nofollow noreferrer">Muscular Hypertrophy and Your Workout</a></li>